In late 2017, Danny & Yen were serving in management positions at the Los Angeles Dream Center, residing in Echo Park, California, with their two children. Yen was seven months pregnant with their third child. During a planned vacation back to Kansas to visit family, their world was turned upside down. In the early hours on a Friday morning, Danny found his wife, Yen, laying on the kitchen floor. She was suffering from a stroke. An ambulance ride to the nearest high risk pregnancy hospital revealed an internal brain bleed, commonly referred to as a stroke. Within 24 hours the doctors said they needed to perform an emergency C-section to keep the baby safe.

On December 23, 2017, Elliot Slavens was born two months premature. Danny recalls these moments very vividly and often says “I said a simple prayer the night before my wife’s emergency C-section, ‘God, the doctors will do all that they can do, I will do all that I can do, but God please do what only you can do’”. The Spirit of God visited Danny that night in a dream and told him three things: the JOY of the Lord will be your strength, you will have PEACE that passes all human understanding, and give Me GLORY at every opportunity for I am about to perform a miracle! Less than a week Yen walked out of the hospital under her own strength, even the doctors from the emergency room marveled when they saw her walking down the hallway. God did what only He could do! And He can do the same for you!

During their two month stint in Kansas, God revealed to Danny and Yen that they were to come back to Kansas and plant a church. But not just any church. A hospital for broken people. A place that would make people feel like they belong to before they believed. A place that would get filled up on Sunday with God’s presence & wisdom, and then go empty it out on others. A place to discover truth and become empowered.

A place that was real, REAL Church. Join us, become a part of our story, for We Are The Church!